EIDXG Summer Challenge

EIDXG members (who brought you 9N7EI, 7Q7EI,5V7EI to name a few), are running a unique Summer Challenge as a fun event beginning June 1st through August 30th. Simply work as many unique DXCCs, CQ Worked all Zones, Participating EIDXG members and 32 Irish counties as possible (each one counting just once regardless of band or mode) and whoever accumulates the most points at the end is the Winner. Full information can be found on their website: www.eidxg.com/sc2020 where one can see the different categories and 'small print' however this promises to be a fun event and will generate extra activity on the bands both Internationally and on a local level. Logs to be submitted by September 6th and Winners will be announced at their DX F??ile event in October. Enjoy the Chase!